The Playschool program is for children who are 3 to 4 years of age with a maximum of 16 children per class.
Classes are offered Monday through Friday. Classes are full day, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm.
**Please note, all children must be potty trained, with the exception of our Toddlers and Early Intervention children.
Playschool, through a play based learning approach, offers opportunities for children to develop their:
+ Social skills by interacting with peers and caring adults
+ Sense of pride in their own individuality
+ Communication abilities
+ Creativity though various arts and crafts
+ Knowledge of music and early literacy
+ Enhance their motor skills through fine motor and visual motor activities, gross motor activities and outside play to address sensory needs
An allergy list will be posted. Parents are welcome to attend and participate in the program with their child when volunteers are needed.
Supplies Needed for September 2024:
1- Elmers school glue stick (disappearing purple).
1- box of Kleenex.
1- box of sensitive baby wipes.
1- Crayola Pip-Squeak markers
2 - containers Play-doh (4oz)
1 - package of dry erase markers
1 - box of sandwich Ziplocs
1- box of large Ziplocs
1- Hilroy 72 page 1/2 lined 1/2 plain exercise book
*The Playschool classroom has enjoyed using Kinetic sand which will last all year. We are asking each family to send $2.00 so that we can purchase this product.
Each child should bring: (label everything please)
- Backpack (something large enough to fit lunchbox,clothing and artwork they will bring home).
- Lunch box.
- Food for snacks and lunch. (We can warm food in our microwave).
- Water bottle.
- Change of clothes including socks and underwear.
- Indoor shoes to stay at school.
We can’t wait to meet you. See you soon!