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Family Supports

Program Overview:

In August of 2004 the Provincial Government passed the Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Act to help families of children with disabilities address their unique needs and therefore better care for and to assist their children in reaching their full potential. It helps families coordinate supports and services and assists with some of the extraordinary costs of raising a child with disabilities.

kcs is under contract with FSCD to provide Family Support Services. This Program helps families with children (under 18 years) with disabilities to access family support services, child focused services and specialized services as determined in their discussion with their FSCD caseworker and as outlined in their Individual Family Support Plan and FSCD contract.

The services may include (but are not limited to):
- temporary respite
- 24 hour respite
- weekly care in the home and assistance with daily tasks
- care for a child if the parent(s) are at work, school, etc.
- to assist a child with daily personal care
- to assist a child in participating in community programs
- to assist with behavior management
- to assist a child's parent/guardian in managing the child's behavior, etc.
- counseling services

Most of these services are funded by FSCD through a 'Fee for Service Agreement' that has been established between FSCD and the parents. The Family Supports Program works with parents, using their FSCD 'Fee for Service Agreement,' to coordinate services for their child. The Program recruits and trains support staff/families within the community who will provide needed services. The Program also works to help families identity other supports and services in the community (e.g. activities, organizations, special in-services, etc.)

For more information please contact:
kcs Association
4725 - 43 St
Phone 403-887-5330
Fax 403-887-5331

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